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[38] Perdon por mi ignorancia,el VIN que es el numero de chasis?gracias
Nono, el que pregunta es ignorante una vez. El que no lo hace es un ignorante para siempre. [old]

Aqui lo tienes:

A VIN is a unique, 17-character car identification number, that looks like this: 1NXBR12E60Z408794. You can find your VIN stamped on the body of your car, usually under the windshield or under the hood. A valid VIN will never contain the letters I, O or Q, so you can be sure those are digits 1 and 0, but it is still easy to confuse a B with an 8, a C with a 0 and a V with a Y. If unsure, check alternative VIN locations.
Note: you can also enter a frame serial number, which may be easier to obtain for Japanese models (the frame number looks like: FZJ80-0169550).
